- How to display the swatches on the shop page?
Ans: You can achieve this by enabling the option “Enable swatches on Shop/Archive page” in the Shop Page Settings inside the Global Settings tab.
- Remove the clear button from the product page.
Ans: Please add the below CSS in your Additional CSS file in order to remove the clear button from the product page.
a.reset_variations.thwvs-variation-link {
display: none !important;
- If there are more no of product variations, how to increase the variation threshold.
Ans: Navigate to Dashboard>> Product>> Swatches Options>> Global Settings>> Other Settings and provide the value in the “Ajax variation threshold” field.
- How to display the variation image while selecting swatches from the shop page.
Ans: Please enable the option “Show variable product images on Shop/Archive page” in the Shop Page Settings inside the Global Settings tab.
- How to make the plugin work with elementor.
Please add the below filters in your child theme's functions.php file to achieve your requirement.
add_filter('thwvs_show_variation_on_custom_page', '__return_true');
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